"Hunger" Internationales Performance Festival

Under the guidance of professional international artists, from the 7th to 15th of May, B- lock offers the opportunity to take part in concentrated and intensive workshops in the fields of performance art, dance, and physical theater in connection with art and craft.

The workshop program is open to artists and all interested individuals, with or without prior knowledge, who would like to expand their spectrum of expression.

Workplace, the BLO-studios:
Surrounded by train tracks, reclaimed by nature, the 12,000 sq. m. large grounds of the former Berlin Lichtenberg Ost railroad depot is today one of the most interesting and largest artist communities in East Berlin. www.blo-ateliers.de

The human body and its almost unlimited means of expression provide the starting point for the diverse range of workshops offered. The training focusing on (stage) presence and the capabilities of the body are meant to enable the participants to extend the space for their own creative development and projects.


Hunger for movement!

What lack of balance moves us?

How can I recognize and fulfill my unquenchable desires?

How can I nurture my body and spirit to handle them?

What should I reduce?

What do I hunger for?

What is hunger?


Workshops, dates and prices

7. and 8. May
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Jaqueline Tauil: Shiva Nata: "Tanz der Shiva"
Moderne Version des antiken Shivatanzes, als effizientes Körpertraining von Andrey Lappa entwickelt.
for more info>
34,00 €
7. and 8. May
12 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Dovrat Ana Meron: "Don' feed the audience make them hungry, Introduction to Performance Art"
Performance Art.
for more info>


102,00 €

7. and 8. May
7 p.m. - 10 p.m.
9. May
12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
10. to 13. May
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Philip Brehse: "Hungrig auf die noch nicht erfundene Geste - Die Biomechanik und ihre Anwendung in der Performance".
Meyerholds Trainingssystem Biomechanik
for more info>


289,00 €

8. May
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Gerhard Wiedemann: "Über die eigene Mitte ins Ziel"
workshop: shooting with bow and arrows
for more info>

34,00 €

10. to 13. May
5 p.m. - 10 p.m.


Alessandro Bortolozzi: "Dance and Desire - To feel the lack of the stars"
Tanz, Elemente der Clownerie, Physisches Theater.
for more info>


170,00 €

Course 1
14. & 15. May

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Course 2
20. May

1 p.m. - 7p.m.
& 21. May
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Gerhard Wiedemann: "Vom Baum zum Bogen"
workshop: built a bow & arrows
for more info>

Due to high demand, a second course offered

153,00 €

14. and 15. May
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Javier Cura / Moss Beynon Juckes: "Hunger for dance"
Physiches Theater, Stimme in und durch Bewegung.
for more info>
136,00 €

Registration for the workshops:

e-mail: veranstaltungen@blo-ateliers.de
subject: HUNGER Registration

Reyes Perez
0177 3087622
phone: (030) 55 66 93 93

Alice Masprone
mobil: 0179 9960748

Registration up to one week before the beginning of the workshop.

Included in the cost of a workshop is a one day ticket for the HUNGER International Performance Festival. Please tell us when you register which day of the festival you would like to attend: 14th, 15th, 20th or 21st of May.

Reduced if you register and pay before 25th of april 2011.
20% discount when you register for more than 3 workshops.




BLO-Ateliers, Kaskelstr. 55, Berlin-Lichtenberg




Shiva Nata (Dance of Shiva)
with Jacqueline Tauil

date: 7. & 8. May 2011
time: 10 a.m - 12 p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: German
price: 34,00 €
reduced: 30,00 €

Andrey Lappa (Yogalehrer, Ukraine) entwickelte dieses effiziente Körpertraining. Das komplexe Übungssystem kombiniert schnell ausgeführte Arm- und Beinbewegungen, denen jeweils Ruhepausen folgen. Auf physischer Ebene wird die starke energetische Wirkung auf den Körper sofort erfahrbar.

Weitere Informationen über Shiva Nata unter: www.universal-yoga.com und www.shivanata.com

Jaqueline Tauil (DE/AR) Tänzerin, Lehrerin für Orientalischen Tanz und Bildende Künstlerin wurde in Shiva Nata von Havi Brooks ( Yogalehrerin aus San Francisco) und Andrey Lappa ausgebildet. Weitere Informationen unter: www.shivanata-danceofshiva.com



Don't spoon feed the audience make them hungry
Introduction to Performance Art Workshop with Dovrat Meron

date: 7.& 8. May 2011
time: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: English / German
price: 102,00 €
reduced: 90,00 €

After a short survey of Performance art history and preface of various aspects in performance art.
A group of the oldest women in the world from Okinawa Island in Japan suggest to fill the stomach only to its half! Their food includes mainly rice, fish, seaweeds and fresh regional vegetable. They claim to burry their children and grandchildren which adapted the western food eating habits (fast and processed food and milk products).

The workshop will focus on the power of minimalism and reduction in performance art. The exercises will aim to raise awareness to the following aspects; space, action, material, relation with the audience and choice making regarding the medium of documentation. Participants are welcome to bring with them an object/text/music/ or any material which they wish to work with a presentation of the work in process, filled up to its half! is planed

Dovrat ana Meron (IL) Performance Künstler, Tänzer und Kurator
Born in 1972 in Israel and live in Berlin. Between 2007 and 2009 co-curated at ScalaMata Exhibition Space in Venice, where she organized and coordinated interdisciplinary projects such as '60 seconds FreeDoMe of Movement' (2006) "Parallel Worlds" (2009), "Bringing Stars back to the Sky", "The nature of a red dot" and "Memory space" (2009) site specific performance series in 10 different locations at the 53 Art Biennale in Venice. She graduated in acting, theatre directing and acting teaching in Tel Aviv (2000), and continues her studies at the space strategies (Raumstrategien) Master program at the Weißensee Art School Berlin. She performs and teaches internationally. Performed in Seoul, Italy, Germany and Israel. Her recent project "Untranslatable Words" is invited to participate the Stromereien Festival in Zürich, and Topada Festival Phillipines. www.arte-misia.eu

Upcoming performances:
June - "Untranslatable Words" Johnnesburg South Africa) Financed
Mai 14-30.5 "Untranslatable Words" DIVERSE UNIVERSE Estonia and Finland.
July 20 -28 KoPAS - "Untranslatable Words"
August 3-12 Stromereien 11 Performance Festival Zurich 2011
2-13. 11 Tupada Action and Media Art (TAMA- 2011) Philippine



Hungry for the not yet discovered gesture
The Biomechanics and its usage in Performance
with Philip Brehse

date: 7.& 8. May 2011
time: 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.
date: 9. May 2011
time: 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
date: 10. to 13. May 2011
time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: English / German
price: 289,00 €
reduced: 255,00€

What can one learn?
Philip Brehse works almost exclusively with the principles of the Biomechanic training system for actors, developed by the legendary Russian Actor and Director, Wsewolod Meyerhold. This one week Workshop offers an extensive introduction to the actual praxsis of the Biomechanics, certainly one of the most efficient methods of comprehending the body as performance Instrument, and at the same time, initiator. The provocation in this workshop is: How can we use these concepts and techniques, origionaly conceived for physical actors, to find fresh impulses in our work in the realm of other artistic discipines such as Dance, Music, and Performance Art?

How can this be learned?
· Motoric Steering, Consciousness in physical form and readiness for risk will be trained
· The understanding of movement as music will be explored
· Performance Telepathy will be developed
· The feel for Partner and for Ensemble will be deepened
· The Biomechanical forms for Improvisation will be tested

· The path from the outside to the inside will be investigated in the quest to make the internal visible
· Self control, certainty and souveranity are the results and the spectrum of your possibilities in physical expression will be broadened

Workshop description:
In this intensive Workshop, specifically conceived for the "Hunger" Performance Festival, we will dive deep into the fascinating realm of the principles at play in Meyerholds training system, the Biomechanics.
Each and all of these exersizes have the potential of giving wings to your creativity, of tuning and training your performance instrument and of discovering anew the joy and sensation of finding and constructing your performance with the whole body.
We will concentrate on a broad spectrum of preparatory excercises designed to investigate our ongoing play with and against gravity, to develope our sense of space, partner and ensemble, performance telepathy as well as our sense of "hearing." This manifests itself in the understanding of movement as musical phrasing.
We will also dramaturgically, physically and historically delve into the so called classical "Etüdes" of Meyerhold, in and of themselves, a provocation, which he developed together with his ensemble in the 1920`s, after breaking from the confines of the extreme tendencies of Naturalism which had widely defined the Russian theater of his time.
At the end of each day of the workshop, we will directly use the excercises and material from the day in an organized performance situation, to immediatly enhance the aspect and question of usage apropo given themes as well as, (if time allows), YOUR themes as workshop students.
I am excited about an encounter with performers from diverse aspects of the performang arts. This method was first and formost conceived concretly to scientifically demystify undefinable aspects of "Acting". It is my strong belief however, that an understanding and a practical, physical experience with this marvelous work of Meyerhold can enhance and influence a broader field of artists, and help them find form for their ideas. The works requires a lot of sweat, patience and Humor for those who want to try. I hope for an atmosphere of fresh curiosity which welcomes debate and dialoge, and which thrives on the health of a continued belief in the importance of human physical expression.
The Workshop will be Bilingual: English and German
Workshop students must wear light sneakers with an adequate tread and a free ankle, (we may sometimes work barefoot together, but sneakers are really a must)! Please wear light sport clothing, at best without statements or Logos and no jeans no watches and no jewelry. We want to be present as neutral as possible, to enhance the understanding of the form.

W. MEYERHOLD (Zitat) " Biomechanik ist ein Trainingssystem, das ich auf Grund meiner Erfahrungen mit Schauspielern ausgearbeitet habe, damit er alle Mittel mobilisieren und sich so auf das Publikum einstellen kann, dass die Ideen, die der Aufführung zugrunde liegen, ankommen. Die Hauptschwierigkeit besteht darin, dass der Schauspieler Führer und Initiator, dass er Organisator des Materials und gleichzeitig organisiertes Objekt ist. Die Biomechanik erschließt dem Schauspieler den Weg zur bewussten Steuerung seines Spiels, zur Koordination mit dem Zuschauerraum und den Partnern, zum Spiel mit perspektivischen Verkürzungen, usw."
Philip Brehse, is an Actor, Director, Musician, Teacher, Performance Artist and Co-founder of the Open Space Performunion, Berlin. An American living in Berlin more or less since the fall of the Berlin Wall, who allows himself the freedom of exploring rigorously creation and innovation in various art forms. He believes in the necessity of working together with artists from all disciplines and mediums and to work actively against the tendency of becoming categorized.
After his studies in Acting and Directing in the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Ithaca College, he discovered his fascination in the Biomechanics of Meyerhold through further studies and collaborations with Carlo Altomare, Mary Krapf and the Alchemical Theater in N.Y.C. and in Europe. During the late 1980's he worked as an Actor and Musician in a very exciting epoch of work with the legendary Living Theatre under the direction of Judith Malina and Hanon Reznikow in their small Theatre on East 3rd ST., N.Y.C. and extensively on tour in Europe.
Since 1991, Philip lives and works in Germany, where he continues his explorations in the field of movement for the stage or performance through research, practical training and intensive scene study through the technique of the Biomechanics artists and teachers such as Gennadi Bogdanov (Moskow). He completed Bogdanov`s Masterclass at the Expo-Hannover. He directed and taught Biomechanics and Acting for eight years at the Athanor Akademie in Burghausen under the direction of Dr. David Esrig (Bucharest), and at the Neuen Schauspielschule, Nürnberg, (Direktion, Peter Hain), as well as numerous workshops in Germany, Poland, Italy, France and at the Living Theatre in N.Y.C.
He is currently engaged as Actor and Musician in the Acting Ensemble at the Jewish Theater of Berlin, Bimah, in a reportory of very diverse roles and productions. His roles there have a reputation of revealing his love of a physical aproach to acting.
Parallel to his teaching work, Philip has been active as a performer for over 25 years and has performed in practically all of the European States in a multitude of roles as Actor, Director, Musician and Performance Artist.
You may find his Artistic Statement, Resume´, Roles and information about past and present projects
at: www.openspace32.de, www.performunion.de



"Über die eigene Mitte ins Ziel"
shooting with bow and arrows
with Gerhard Wiedemann

date: 8. May 2011
time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: German
price: 34,00 €
reduced: 30,00 €
+ stuff / rent sheet 9,00 €


Körperhaltung und innere Haltung, Anspannung und Entspannung, Lösen und Loslassen, Achtsamkeit im hier und jetzt sind die Themen, die sich beim instinktiven Bogenschießen vereinen. Diese werden in Übungen anschaulich gemacht und reflektiert.





Gerhard Wiedemann (DE) Ich lebe seit 2002 mit meiner Familie im aufregenden Berlin. Während der Ausbildung zum Arbeitstherapeuten kam ich 2003 im Schwabenländle zum traditionellen Holzbogenbau, welcher mich bis zum heutigen Tage nicht mehr losgelassen hat. Dank der Unterstützung meiner Frau und meiner Familie konnte ich mich mit dem Bogenbau selbständig machen und biete nun seit dem Frühjahr 2006 selbst Kurse im Bogenbau an.




Dance and Desire - To feel the lack of the stars
Theatre Intensive Workshop with Alessandro Bortolozzi

date: 10. to 13. May 2011
time: 5 p.m. - 10.p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: English
price: 170,00 €
reduced: 150,00 €

Hunger is movemen.

Action can only be caused by a wishful, forever unfulfillable thirst.

No matter how deep the well is, or how sure the body, of its own satiety:

the need will always increase, driving life to dance any movement of its meaning.

A crisis of balance moves the weight to dance, a desperate stalking toward an unpredictable finale: realization of the oneness of dancer and danced, victim and hunter. A multiverse shaping monster of energy, that's what the actor is: the perpetual doer, mighty creator and silent witness; every step, every breath caused by an immane and everlasting wish. Every question, if answered, relive the dramatic contrast between action and reflection, the fe/male principles, Shakti/Shiva, yin/yang dichotomy, the marriage of order and chaos.

The workshop aims to offer the actor the possibility to deeply explore the roots of his/her personal hunger, for a better understanding of the reason why he moves and does and acts.

Alessandro Bortolozzi (IT/IN) Musiker, Tänzer, Performer, has been searching new questions for more than 10 years and 30 countries, caught between East and West, North and South, between different disciplines: music, clownérie, buto dance, yoga, Argentinian tango, circus arts, religion's philosophy...

"I propose options; this is what I try to do. The actor (anybody, regardless of the container they choose to fill with their water inside society), is infinite possibility. The Presence comes from this openness toward whatever option the flow of life takes us to."



"Vom Baum zum Bogen"
workshop: built a bow & arrows
with Gerhard Wiedemann

Course 1
14. & 15. May
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Course 2
20. May
1 p.m. - 7p.m.
& 21. May

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

niveau: open
laguage: German / English
price: 153,00 €
reducedt: 135,00 €
+ stuff: timber 45,00 €, bowstring 6,00 €, arrows 12,00 €

Due to high demand, a second course offered

Am Bogenbau fasziniert mich vor allem der Baum. Ich finde es immer wieder spannend ein Stück Holz mit Ästen und Windungen in den Händen zu halten, das so gar nicht wie ein Bogen aussieht. Wenn es sich dann unter meinen Händen wandelt, sich nach und nach biegen und zum Schluss schießen lässt, ist dies immer wieder ein befriedigender Zustand.

Gerhard Wiedemann (DE) Ich lebe seit 2002 mit meiner Familie im aufregenden Berlin. Während der Ausbildung zum Arbeitstherapeuten kam ich 2003 im Schwabenländle zum traditionellen Holzbogenbau, welcher mich bis zum heutigen Tage nicht mehr losgelassen hat. Dank der Unterstützung meiner Frau und meiner Familie konnte ich mich mit dem Bogenbau selbständig machen und biete nun seit dem Frühjahr 2006 selbst Kurse im Bogenbau an.




Hunger For Dance
with Javier Cura / Moss Beynon Juckes

date: 14. & 15. May
time: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
niveau: open
laguage: English
price: 136,00 €
reduced: 120,00 €

in this workshop we want to translate the concept of hunger into our physical discipline, understanding it as a state of absolute necessity..
In a hyper producing consuming society, what is necessary to be done? How can this concept be applied to our expressions, to our artistic expression, to our creations?
How can we make our movement necessary and how can we move through our voice and body from an inherent need getting rid of the decorations?

We want to arrive to the bone removing the superfluous actions. Through physical theatre work, combining voice, contact-impro, martial dance and tango we will discover what we feel is absolutely necessary for a particular expression, flowing in between the complementary opposites: emptiness and fullness, desperation and satisfaction, anguish and Joy.

Moss Beynon Juckes (GB/AU) Songwriter und Performance Künstler (Infamous Karaoke Star) working internationally on social theatre, dance and music projects. Her last residency was at Potsdam Tanzfabrik in collaboration with Javier Cura and recent Performances include Serra Dei Conti Summer Festival, Italy, The Folkloric and Artistic Troupe of Dhalaristan Balkan Tour, Home Sweet Home Performance Art Festival, Berlin.
Host of Summer residency workshops in Bechyne, Czech Republic and internationally.
www.infamouskaraokestar.wordpress.com mossbeynonjuckes@rocketmail.com

Javier Cura (USA/AR) Fachübergreifender Künstler
With a Master in Modern Literature at B.A University (Argentina) he then dedicated himself to the Performative and to the Fine Arts realizing several art exhibitions of objects and sculptures. He has performed, directed and created dance theatre shows in Argentina, Colombia, USA, Italy, Germany and Indonesia. He presently teaches physical theatre, contact-tango, and contact-improv internationally and regularly visits England, Italy, France, Czech Rep., Germany and Argentina. He taught at ZIP Contact Impro Festival, Italy, at Freiburg Contact Festival, Germany, at Alchemie Tango Festival in Prague, at the West Coast Contact Impro Festival, San Francisco (USA) and at Phantastango Tango Festival, Germany. Recently he has been collaborating on a research on Contact Improvisation expression at the Berlin Free University.

Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM575qk7l2U

Web Links: http://www.javiercuraworkshop.wordpress.com
mossbeynonjuckes@rocketmail.com 015779399735
javiercura@yahoo.com.ar 01636383774



