1. May 2009 Bullenwinkel


the art directors Michael Steger & Gabba Reifenstihl



SP 38



SP 38



mobile Czentifuga printers



Non Grata



Non Grata






Non Grata



Non Grata & Steve Vanoni



Steve Vanoni



Gabba Reifenstihl



Open Space Performunion



Vogel Strauß, Dee Mee Tree



Open Space Performunion



Amy J. Klement



Lee Jung Hun (KoPAS)



Lee Jung Hun



Kwon Soo Im (KoPAS)



Kwon Soo Im



Kwon Soo Im



Kwon Soo Im



Pelle Mia






Malte & Micha



Eseohe Arhebamen



Mesut & Hakan



Rachel Hoffman



Rachel Hoffman



Go Go Trash



Go Go Trash



Go Go Trash



Go Go Trash



Go Go Trash



Go Go Trash






children`s theatre



Clark and Cockwell






Gabba Reifenstihl (Czentrifuga)



Let`s go



performance parade



performance parade



performance parade



performance parade



Ushi and the Boobs



Band Deutscher Mädels



Team Plastique



Photos by


Luz Scherwinski

Luz Scherwinski (Open Space Performunion)




Elo Landgraf

Elo Landgraf (Open Space Performunion)

